888.ARC.8050 or 610.670.6061
888.ARC.8050 or 610.670.6061

Our experienced professionals have provided engineering solutions for Industrial, Commercial, Manufacturing, and Utility Markets across the United States.



Arc Flash Assessment

Assess incident energy of potential arc flash and implement safety measures


Electrical Safety Training

Train your workforce in safe work practices that will prevent injuries and save lives.


Onsite Oversight Services

Facilities, Utilities, Building Engineering & Design Project Management, Architectural Management


Power System Engineering

Evaluate electrical systems’ protective devices including relays, fuses, circuit breakers.


Power Quality / Thermography

Identify and characterize power quality problems, Evaluate and recommend optimum solutions.


Rubber Glove Testing

Electrical glove testing to ensure ASTM and OSHA standards compliance.


As it says on our homepage, “Ensuring everyone goes home safely”. It’s our commitment to our customers and we do this in many ways: thru our Engineering Studies & Design; our Arc Flash Training & Electrical Safety Programs; our Onsite Oversight Work, our Rubber Glove testing….to name a few.

This is who we are. Making sure we honor that commitment.

Our Heritage

KTR started in 2004 as an electrical engineering company specializing in power system engineering studies and arc flash studies. Our niche power systems group grew as more individuals joined the team. Electrical Safety has become an important niche service as we offered more services (oversight, arc flash training, Electrical Safety Programs as well as PPE (see ArcFlashPPE.com). Many have contributed to the success of the company and helped expand our services.

Our firm has earned a reputation as a trusted advisor for industrial and high voltage power systems, especially those hard to solve “electrical” issues. KTR takes great pride in identifying and solving power quality issues, selective coordination issues, and onsite generation concerns.

Our main goal is to ensure “Everyone Goes Home Safely”. We do this by training your employees on electrical safety and code compliant facilities, power system studies, and onsite oversight representation.

Expect More Than Just Technical Services

We’re not just passionate about our technical capabilities, but everything else that goes with a full and rewarding partnership “Ensuring Everyone Goes Home Safely”. Each member is committed to ensuring people who work with high voltage go home safely to their families.
